Friday, August 21, 2015

Finally Ariel

In the Philippines, many soaps and detergents are available in the market. Each has different promising formula to help in cleaning and making the clothes whiter. They are also in a tight competition when it comes to pricing their products. The companies are exerting extra effort when it comes to the endorsments of the products. Some strategies includes hiring actors and actresses so that the product would be remembered by their charismatic appeal. The packaging also another factor when it comes to endorsing products so it can easily be distinguished.
One of the most famous detergents known in the Philippines is Ariel. Among all Ariel ads I’ve seen on tv, its newest commercial is the most popular. After its initial release, the commercial gained the attention of the market. The products TV commercial is considered as a new way of showcasing the brand, which is by using a song which was different from the usual story telling. As seen on the Ad, the characters were all mothers, washing clothes while singing the very lively and catchy jingle. Another main focuses was the brand’s decrease in price. The detergent which only costs 7.50 pesos per sachets became in demand because of its affordability. The ad is also promoting its fast stain fighting formula which is a great help for those who does not use washing machines while doing laundry.
When a company is endorsing a product it has to be proven. It’s advertising strategies should be effective. But it’s not just about how a company makes the commercial, it’s how they fulfill the promises they make to their customers. Every brand should build a reputation by proving that a product is effective.

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